Collapsible Folding Camping Table with Insulated Cooler, Food Basket and Travel Bag


Collapsible Folding Camping Table with Insulated Cooler, Food Basket and Travel Bag
Tailgating Table- Perfect for tailgate, camping, hiking, and more!
Camping Table- Features insulated cooler, 4 cup holders, and food basket and works as a great picnic table
Foldable Camping Table- Comes with a travel bag for easy portability and storage-- easy to carry with other tailgating accessories!
Tensions straps create a stable surface, so this is the perfect camping table
Collapsible table folds and is light, easy-to-use, and ideal for food and drinks
Dimensions: 5.62 x 5.87 x 31.25 inches

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Collapsible Folding Camping Table with Insulated Cooler, Food Basket and Travel Bag,