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PCB ISO 9001 Design



PCB ISO 9001 Design ProcessThe Topscom PCB design process is ISO 9000 approved. The five distinct check cycles designate specific actions and milestones so customers can review the project after each critical point in the design.Check Cycle 1: Component and MechanicalConverts the customer drawings to a CAD-based physical footprint libraryAbility to choose from over 1,500 manufacturing-proven standard TOPSCOM footprints or build custom footprintsCreate a standard or custom board outlineCheck Cycle 2: PlacementPerform placement of components onto board and verification approvalsPerform Valor DFM and DFx testingCheck for appropriate clearances between ICsCheck for fiducials for pick/place alignmentCheck Cycle 3: Critical RoutingPerform the critical signal routing on the boardTelecommunicationsHigh speed clock linesDifferential pairsPower, high voltage routing?Check Cycle 4: 100% RouteFinal routing completedDocumentation and electronic files generated/approvedFabrication and assembly requirements drawingsPCB layer stack detail and dimensionsDrill and Placement filesGerber filesBoard silk screen for customer part numbers, pin #, etcCheck Cycle 5: Ready for ManufactureFinal DFx and Quality Assurance testingAll post processing output is done through Valor to address manufacturing issues such as panelization and standard Gerber formats

PCB ISO 9001 Design, Design Service,

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