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Best price 100% natural Bilberry anthocyanidin 25% extract Bilberry



Bilberry is a perennial, ornamental shrub that is commonly found in various climates in damp woodlands and moorlands. In the United States they are known as huckleberries, and there are over 100 species with similar names and fruit throughout the Europe, Asia and North America. The English call them whortleberries. The Scots know them as blaeberries. Bilberry has been used as a medicinal herb since the 16th century.?
Bilberry is also used in connection with vascular and blood disorders and shows positive effects when treating varicose veins, thrombosis, and angina. Bilberry’s fruit contains flavonoids and anthocyanin, which serve to prevent capillary fragility, thin the blood, and stimulate the release of vasodilators. Anthocyanin, a natural antioxidant, also lowers blood pressure, reduces clotting and improves blood supply to the nervous system. Bilberry also contains glucoquinine that has the ability to lower blood sugar.?
?1. Protect and regenerate retinal purple (rhodopsin), and cure patients with eye diseases such as pigmentosa, retinitis, glaucoma, and myopia, etc.
2. Prevent the cardiovascular diseases.
3. Quench free radical, antioxidant, and anti-aging.
4. A treatment for mild inflammation of the mucous membranes of mouth & throat.
5. A treatment for diarrhea, enteritis, urethritis, cystitis and virosis rheum epidemic, with its antiphlogistic and bactericidal action.

High Quality, Bilberry ,

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Changsha Huir Biological-tech Co., Ltd

Huperzine A

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Tel: 0731-86-84611308


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